Gravestone QR Codes

Deciding what to say on a gravestone to summarize your loved one’s life in a few words is almost impossible. Stone masons, gravestone and memorial plaque providers consistently tell us, families struggle to come up with the words to do such a wonderful life justice in a short sentence or two. This is the reason we created See My Life. 

We too know the pain of losing a loved one and we know how hard it is to say what you want to say in only a few words on a gravestone. Here are a few commonly asked questions we get from the wonderful families we deal with on a daily basis.

What is a Gravestone QR Code?

A Gravestone QR code is an aluminum medallion with a scannable QR code on it. The QR code medallion is then attached to the gravestone using the strong adhesive strip included on the back. The QR code can then be scanned using any smartphone with a camera, and show a memorial eTribute page containing the deceased person’s life story in images, videos, eulogies, social media and condolence messages.

What information can the gravestone QR code show?

Put simply it can show your loved one’s life story. The memorial eTribute page allows families to easily upload images, videos, eulogies, tribute condolence messages, funeral streaming link, your loved one’s social media accounts and many other things.

Veteran gravestone QR codes

Veteran gravestone QR codes allow families to include the special service their loved one performed for their country. The memorial eTribute page can show the years of duty served, where they served, their rank and the branch of service such as Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard or other. The eTribute page will also show their life in images, videos, eulogies and social media accounts. 

What types of gravestones can a QR code be used on?

We commonly deal with families who use our gravestone QR codes on marble, stone, brass and granite.

What size must the gravestone QR code be?

We recommend the QR code be no smaller than 0.39 inches for a smartphone camera to successfully scan the QR code. Our medallion QR codes start from 0.78 inches which makes it a bit easier for the smartphone camera to scan it.

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