Why use a QR code on a gravestone?
The most obvious reason is to allow grieving family members to say more than just a few words on the gravestone. Deciding what that short phrase will be for your loved one’s gravestone is extremely hard. The phrase will essentially sum up that person’s life for future generations to read.
By using a memorial QR code on a gravestone linked to an eTribute page, it gives family and friends the ability to show all of their loved one’s life story and happiest memories in eulogies, pictures and videos for future generations to enjoy. It also does justice to a wonderful life lived allowing grieving family and friends to revisit on birthdays and anniversaries.
Digital life story
As the world has changed since the emergence of the internet, digital photos and videos recorded so easily on smartphones, this has also changed the way a person’s memorial life story is told. At funerals now you will nearly always see a video showing the deceased person’s life in pictures.
With all the time and effort which goes into compiling these wonderful videos it makes complete sense that such a video should be included on that person’s memorial eTribute page. Otherwise it will be lost in the minds of those that attended the funeral on that day, and in years to come barely even remembered.